How to Track Android Location from iPhone

Locating other people’s phones has become particularly useful in today’s world. Apart from helping users keep tabs on their loved ones, location sharing also comes in handy when you’re curious to know whether your partner is cheating.

Parents can use GPS location tools to check whether their children are in school or not. Apparently, learning how to track location from iPhone to Android is a vital skill that everyone ought to learn.

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Reasons to Track an Android Phone

There are several reasons that could prompt you to track someone else’s Android device. These include:

  1. Safeguard your loved ones

It’s often said that charity begins at home. This principle especially rings true when it comes to protecting your loved ones. Tracking the devices of people close to you can help you discover where they are located at all times, providing some much-needed peace of mind.

  1. Discover whether your partner is cheating

Has your significant other been exhibiting some tell-tale signs of cheating? Perhaps he’s been coming home late from work or attending weekend-long trips. Tracking his phone could help you unearth where he spends most of his time.

  1. Trace a lost phone

Learning how to track Android location from iPhone can also help you locate a stolen, lost, or misplaced phone. You don’t need any technical expertise to trace and retrieve a lost device — simply utilize an app that serves the purpose.

  1. Keep a watchful eye on your employees

If you’re a manager or entrepreneur, tracking your subordinate’s phones can help you identify whether they’re within the office premises during work hours. This prevents your employees from sneaking out or using corporate time to handle personal issues.

The Most Effective Tracking Methods

You might still be wondering: how can you track location from iPhone to Android without raising any suspicion? Let’s discuss the best tracking methods in use today.

Using Scannero is a brilliant cell phone tracking tool that reveals the real-time location of any device using its phone number. This solution is arguably the best on the market, owing to its convenience and ease of use.

Once you’ve known how to track location on Android from iPhone using Scannero, you’ll never go back. This web-based geo-tracker provides highly accurate location details of your loved one’s device, including its coordinates and street info, displaying them on an easy-to-read map.

Here’s how you can use to track an Android phone:

  • visit;
  • create an account using your preferred email and password;
  • type the phone number of the device you wish to locate on the empty field and click “Locate”;
  • will then send a text message containing the tracking link to your target user;
  • start tracking the recipient’s live location once they click on the link;
  • view their exact location on a map that’s situated in the Dashboard.

Using is the most effective solution for tracking a mobile phone since you don’t have to install any app on the target device. In addition, this platform allows you to track any type of phone, irrespective of its model or network carrier.

Another perk of is its affordable pricing. This tool is inexpensive and offers outstanding value for money. Most importantly, you can track a number from any location around the world.

Track phone number with Scannero

check location in 1 click

Using Google Maps

Google Maps is a popular navigation app that usually comes pre-installed on most Android devices. This app offers a free tracking option that can help you discover how to track location from iPhone to Android.

It’s fairly easy to share the location on Google Maps. Impressively, this solution provides an accurate depiction of the target device’s real-time location or last-known coordinates.

Here are the steps to follow if you’re looking to track someone’s device using Google Maps:

  • gain physical access to the target phone and launch Google Maps;
  • click on the user’s profile photo that’s on the top right section;
  • enable “Location Sharing” and click on the blue arrow to view the current location;
  • go to “Select People” and click on your name/photo;
  • alternatively, you can click “Message” to send the location link via text;
  • start tracking their location on a map.

On the downside, your target user may switch off location sharing at any time. This method also requires physical access to the primary device for initial setup, which makes it quite easy to get caught.

Using Moniterro Software

Another viable alternative you can use is Moniterro, a user-friendly phone monitoring app that offers a wide variety of tracking features.

Similar to previous versions, Moniterro can work with all devices including the ability to locate iPhones by number.

Moniterro provides complete discretion, meaning that your private data is never stored or revealed to third-party firms. Some of its most popular tracking features include:

  • GPS Location Tracking. You can secretly track another person’s location using Moniterro’s built-in GPS tracker.
  • WhatsApp Monitoring. This app is equipped with a remarkable feature that provides access to someone’s WhatsApp call logs, chat messages, shared photos, and more.
  • Keylogging. You can read everything they type on their device, including account login credentials and secret texts, using Moniterro’s powerful keylogger.
  • Screen recording. This app regularly captures screenshots of the target device and sends them to your vault, giving you a bird’s-eye view of their chats, web activity, and calendar events.


Learning how to track location on Android from iPhone will help you to keep tabs on your loved ones’ movements, ensuring that they don’t wander into dangerous neighborhoods. After conducting plenty of expert analysis, we can proudly say that is the best Android location tracker on the market.

Track phone number with Scannero

check location in 1 click

Nicklaus Borer
Greetings. I am a journalist and a computer engineer. I am engaged in research in the field of security, data and their publication on this blog.