How to Delete a LIFE360 Account: 7 Simple Steps to Follow

With over 70 million users, Life360 is one of the most well-known family safety and location tracking apps on the market. However, for various reasons, you might be wondering, “How to delete my Life360 account?” If that’s the case, I have the answer for you, keep reading to find out!

How to Delete a LIFE360 Account Step by Step

The first thing I want to clarify about how to delete a Life360 account is that this action is permanent and cannot be undone. Once you delete your account, you won’t be able to recover any stored data. If you’re sure about this and have taken the necessary precautions, follow these steps to delete your profile:

  1. Open the Life360 app and log in.
  2. Go to “Settings” and then select “Account”.
  3. In this section, tap “Delete Account”.
  4. Confirm your decision by selecting “Yes, I confirm the above” and then “Continue”.
  5. Click “Send email” and open the email account you used to register on Life360.
  6. In your inbox, find the email from Life360 and click on the link provided.
  7. To finalize the deletion process, complete the Captcha that appears on the screen.

As you can see, you can delete Life360. However, if you are the administrator of your family circle, there’s one additional step you should take: transfer your admin role to another member of the same circle before deleting your account.

What Happens if You Delete a LIFE360 Account?

This is a common concern among users who decide to delete their accounts. As I mentioned before, deleting your account means losing all profile data permanently. This includes your own driving events, those of other members in your circle এবং location history.

Additionally, it’s crucial to note that deleting your account is not the same as cancel Life360 membership. These are two entirely different processes that require separate steps. Interestingly, more than 50 % of Life360 users are unaware of this distinction.

প্রতি cancel your subscription, you must do so through the same platform you originally registered with. For instance, if you subscribed via the app, you must cancel it there.

How to Remove LIFE360 From iPhone or Android Device?

Now that you know the answer to “How to delete my Life360 account?”, you can follow the steps to remove it. Once your account deletion is confirmed, you no longer need the app, so you can uninstall it. On iPhone, an application is deleted as follows:

  1. Locate the Life360 app icon and press and hold it.
  2. When a menu appears below the icon, select “Remove app”.
  3. Confirm the permanent deletion of the app.

In the case of Android, to remove the application, you do something similar. The process in this operating system consists of holding down the app icon and clicking on “Uninstall”. Then, a box appears in which you need to press “Accept” to confirm the procedure.

Important Information About Delete a LIFE360 Account

If you’re wondering “What happens if I delete my Life360 account but I’m not the administrator, just a regular circle member?”, the answer is simple: you will lose your history and other circle members will no longer see your location. Additionally, the administrator may receive a notification about your account deletion.

For this reason, the history on Life360 is not the best tracking option if a family member decides to delete their account. Instead, you might want to choose a tracking service that doesn’t require a shared account.

I have a recommendation for you and it is স্ক্যানেরো, this is an internet site where you only need the phone number of the device to be tracked. When you enter it and start the search, you can do a quick location and get an exact location of the other person.

Learn more about Scannero! The better option!

While researching for this article, I took a deep dive into Life360 and found it to be a comprehensive and accessible app. However, it has one major limitation that স্ক্যানেরো easily overcomes—it does not require the tracked person to have an account on its platform.

স্ক্যানেরো একটি highly reputable online service, and I encourage you to try it. Simply enter the phone number you want to track and take advantage of its additional features, such as voice note sending, reverse mobile search and more.

নিকলাস বোরর
শুভেচ্ছা। আমি একজন সাংবাদিক এবং একজন কম্পিউটার প্রকৌশলী। আমি এই ব্লগে নিরাপত্তা, তথ্য এবং তাদের প্রকাশনার ক্ষেত্রে গবেষণায় নিযুক্ত আছি।