
GPS/IP Address Tracker

Use the GPS/IP tracker link to locate them via any messenger or email.

Discover someone's location even if you don't have their number.

Cell image Cell image
Explore the Endless Possibilities of Our GPS/IP Logger
  • Step 1 image
    Generate several links at the same time.
  • Step 2 image
    Track 30+ people using one link location.
  • Step 3 image
    Name each link to make it easy to find the needed one in the location history.
  • Step 4 image
    Uncover detailed information beyond just the location. Learn about the type of device, operating system, language, and even screen size.

How Can an GPS/IP Tracker Link Help?

You’ve become a victim of bullies on social media

Whether they're hiding behind fake accounts or not, Scannero can still track their GPS/IP address, allowing you to report them to the appropriate authorities.

You need to make sure your loved ones are honest about their whereabouts

No more wondering where they really are. With our GPS/IP logger, you can get access to accurate information.

You want to keep your GPS/IP tracking activities private and secure

With advanced encryption, rest assured that only you can access the valuable information on someone’s GPS/IP address.

You’ve become a victim of bullies on social media

Whether they're hiding behind fake accounts or not, Scannero can still track their GPS/IP address, allowing you to report them to the appropriate authorities.

You need to make sure your loved ones are honest about their whereabouts

No more wondering where they really are. With our GPS/IP logger, you can get access to accurate information.

You want to keep your GPS/IP tracking activities private and secure

With advanced encryption, rest assured that only you can access the valuable information on someone’s GPS/IP address.

Wat echte gebruikers zeggen over Scannero

Linda R.

I used to think tracking someone was too hard until I found Scannero. Now, all I have to do is create a link, send it via WhatsApp and a few minutes later I can view a person’s location and other interesting details.

Joseph N.

Earlier, I was tracking people with their phone numbers. But when Scannero launched a new feature, things got even easier. I can now locate strangers who write strange messages and comments on my social media or email scammers…well anyone. All with just a single link. It’s so great!

Amy K.

My son was targeted by some bullies who thought they could hide behind fake accounts. We decided to block them, but they continued to find ways to terrorize my kid. Wanting to stop this, I’ve got the Scannero GPS tracker. This is how we could find the location of these bullies, who turned out to be my son’s classmates.

Roger H.

Sometimes just for fun I like to use the Scannero IP tracker to see where my friends are. Even though I haven't had any serious situations where I needed this feature, it's great to have it just in case. I also like the data leak checker, works great!

Austin S.

Recently I got an email from someone claiming to be the support manager of a popular app asking to renew my billing details. Turned out it was a scammer who stole a larger sum of money from my account. Desperate to find this thief, I’ve purchased Scannero for its GPS tracker. It helped me to find this person and report him to the authorities. Thank you!

Brittany M.

I always dreamed of being a detective. Maybe it's because I've seen almost every movie in the genre. And now, thanks to Scannero, I feel like an agent in “Mission Impossible” who can easily find anyone anywhere.

Cheryl P.

I never thought I could find someone’s location right from my favorite messenger. With Scannero, I can simply send a link to a person, and a few moments later when they click on it, I can see their IP address. This is absolutely amazing.

Megan K.

I’ve been using Scannero for quite a while now and have tested all the features in action. All of them work great, but the GPS logger is still my favorite! For such a low price it’s an incredible tool when you need to locate someone quickly.

Jordan R.

I was really surprised by how easy it is to use Scannero. What I like the most is that you don’t need an app to get the needed info. Everything works online so you can just open your browser on your phone or computer, log in to your account, and do what you have to do.

Kelly C.

I started texting with a guy and he seemed nice at first. We’d never met in real life so I didn’t know what he really looked like also because he didn’t have any photo on his profile. I liked our conversation, but as it continued, he turned into a stalker, claiming he knew where I lived or what I wore at that time. It became really scary so I decided to track him down. Using Scannero, I managed to receive his GPS address. And this is when I realized it was my ex-boyfriend trying to get back at me.

Wayne E.

One day, I had a big fight with my son. We all know how emotional teens can get. He just left and didn’t come home that day. I was very concerned and wanted to know where he was, but he didn’t answer his phone. So I put Scannero's IP tracker to work. To my relief, he stayed at his friend’s house. I’m so grateful for the peace of mind you gave me!
Get started

How to track a device using a link locator?

  • 01
    Create an account
    Just enter your email and phone number and choose a password.
  • 02
    Generate a link
    Name the location-sharing link if you want, and send it through one of the messengers or email.
  • 03
    Receive the location
    Once they click the link, log in to your account to view their GPS or IP address.

Andere Scannero-functies

locationByNumber icon

Locatie door nummer

Volg eenvoudig iemand terwijl u uw identiteit verborgen houdt. Stuur een anoniem bericht naar hun nummer met een link voor het delen van locaties. Zodra ze erop tikken, kun je zien waar ze zich bevinden.
locationByNumber icon
reversePhoneLookup icon

Telefoon omgekeerd opzoeken

Je hoeft je geen zorgen meer te maken over telefoontjes en sms'jes van vreemden. Scannero laat je weten wie er aan de andere kant zit door de ware identiteit achter onbekende nummers te onthullen.
reversePhoneLookup icon
reverseNicknameLookup icon

Omgekeerde gebruikersnaam opzoeken

Voer een achtergrondcontrole uit op iedereen die je online hebt ontmoet. Voer hun bijnaam in om eventuele andere online accounts te ontdekken, inclusief die op sociale mediaplatforms en datingapps.
reverseNicknameLookup icon
messageToLostPhone icon

Stuur bericht naar verloren telefoon

Kun je je verloren telefoon niet vinden met de ingebouwde trackingfuncties? Probeer een bericht naar je nummer te sturen via Scannero om iedereen die je telefoon vindt, te vragen deze aan jou terug te geven.
messageToLostPhone icon
sendVoiceMsg icon

Spraakbericht verzenden

Als je persoonlijke informatie wilt delen, vertrouw er dan op dat we je naam vertrouwelijk houden. Schrijf gewoon je gedachten op en Scannero zet ze om in een anoniem gesproken bericht.
sendVoiceMsg icon
locationByNumber icon

Locatie door nummer

Volg eenvoudig iemand terwijl u uw identiteit verborgen houdt. Stuur een anoniem bericht naar hun nummer met een link voor het delen van locaties. Zodra ze erop tikken, kun je zien waar ze zich bevinden.
locationByNumber icon
reversePhoneLookup icon

Telefoon omgekeerd opzoeken

Je hoeft je geen zorgen meer te maken over telefoontjes en sms'jes van vreemden. Scannero laat je weten wie er aan de andere kant zit door de ware identiteit achter onbekende nummers te onthullen.
reversePhoneLookup icon
reverseNicknameLookup icon

Omgekeerde gebruikersnaam opzoeken

Voer een achtergrondcontrole uit op iedereen die je online hebt ontmoet. Voer hun bijnaam in om eventuele andere online accounts te ontdekken, inclusief die op sociale mediaplatforms en datingapps.
reverseNicknameLookup icon
messageToLostPhone icon

Stuur bericht naar verloren telefoon

Kun je je verloren telefoon niet vinden met de ingebouwde trackingfuncties? Probeer een bericht naar je nummer te sturen via Scannero om iedereen die je telefoon vindt, te vragen deze aan jou terug te geven.
messageToLostPhone icon
sendVoiceMsg icon

Spraakbericht verzenden

Als je persoonlijke informatie wilt delen, vertrouw er dan op dat we je naam vertrouwelijk houden. Schrijf gewoon je gedachten op en Scannero zet ze om in een anoniem gesproken bericht.
sendVoiceMsg icon
bg bubble 1 bg bubble 2

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