Why Life360 Is Not Updating Location: 3 Simple Solutions

Why Life360 Is Not Updating Location: 3 Simple Solutions

Life360 is a highly popular platform used by families and friends who want to track each other’s locations in real time. However, sometimes it fails to display accurate locations. So, why is Life360 not updating location? I’ve found that there are several reasons behind this issue—here, I’ll explain what they are and how to fix them.

Reasons Why Life360 Not Updating Location for One Person

Life360 provides real-time location tracking, meaning it frequently updates user locations. If you notice that it’s not updating properly, I’ve identified several reasons that answer the question, “Why is Life360 not updating location?”.

The most common reason for this issue is that either you or the person you’re trying to locate has a poor internet connection. If that’s the case, the location won’t be accurate. The same happens when the tracked device has a weak GPS signal.

Other possible reasons why Life360 not updating include:

  • App permissions: if the necessary permissions haven’t been granted, the app won’t update properly.
  • Settings errors: the person being tracked might have disabled the “Share Location” option in the circle’s settings.
  • Device configuration: if battery-saving mode is enabled, Life360 may not run in the background, causing Life360 not working.

Solutions to Issues of Update Life360

As you saw in the previous section, the reasons why Life360 is not updating a person’s location are much less serious than you might have thought. Therefore, for basic issues, there are simple solutions that you can apply yourself. Below, I’ll detail the solution for each cause mentioned earlier:

1. Weak Internet Signal or Poor GPS Quality

The first and easiest step is to check that your phone is still connected to Wi-Fi or that the mobile data network is stable. Regarding GPS signal quality, you just need to ensure that the location option is enabled on your phone.

Additionally, if the tracked person’s phone has a very low battery level, this can cause the issue where Life360 not updating location.

2. Necessary Permissions for the Life360 App

The main permissions that the app needs access to include internet connection, background execution and, of course, location. To check if these permissions are granted, go to your phone settings. If you have an iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Go to “Apps” section and look for Life360. Once you find its icon, tap it to access the app’s information.
  2. The first thing you’ll see is a list of the permissions granted to Life360. Make sure they are all enabled.

In the case of Android, the process to verify if this is the cause why isn’t Life360 updating. In the general setting, go to “Applications”, in that section look for Life360 and go to “Data usage”. There you enable the permissions for the app to continue using mobile data and Wi-Fi even in the background.

3. App and Phone Settings

The third way to fix Life360 is to check if your location sharing is enabled within the circle you’ve joined. If it is and the issue Life360 won’t update persists, I recommend logging out of your account and then signing back in.

It is also necessary to check the settings you have on your phone, as the battery saving mode affects the operation of the app. To find out if it is on, go to your phone’s settings and go to the “Battery” section. In case the power saving mode is activated, you only need to deactivate it.

My recommendation is that, no matter which solution you apply, reboot your phone after doing so.

Additional Solutions to Other Issues

A frequently asked question about Life360’s update failure is: “Does a VPN affect Life360?”. The answer is yes. If a VPN is enabled, the app won’t be able to determine your real location, leading to an error. The solution is simple—just disable the VPN.

Lastly, app malfunctions can also be caused by running an outdated version of Life360. What you have to do is to enter your app store, search for Life360 and check for available updates. If an update is available, proceed to refresh Life360.

Remember that all the solutions I have described should not only be applied on your device, but also on those of the other members of the circle বা the one having the problem with the location update. That way, everyone makes sure they are getting the most out of the app.

Get Rid of Issues With Scannero!

Now that I’ve analyzed why is Life360 not updating, you know that the cause isn’t necessarily serious and that 95 % of the time, it just requires a simple solution. However, searching for the cause and its solution can take up time you could spend locating someone instead.

To save yourself the hassle, I recommend using a simpler yet equally effective tracking tool: Scannero. This is a website service where all you need to do is enter the phone number of the device you want to locate. In just a few minutes, Scannero will provide you with an exact location.

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